I have come to composing music late in life. I would have liked to have had the opportunity when I was younger but it was not to be. I hope I still have something to say that resonates with those of us alive today. The music I have uploaded here is in various styles. I have been increasingly settling on the idea of using microtones and have been inspired by the composers known (not always to their liking) as Spectralists. Built into the ethos of this school is the idea of individuality. The principles are sufficiently open, yet powerful, to enable one to create in a way which does not imitate, but nevertheless adheres to the spirit of the basic ideas. I do not seek to compose derivative music while having the greatest respect for composers going back centuries. If I feel I have nothing to say I will write nothing. In this age I feel there should not be a shortage of things to say musically. Music is by definition abstract and it does not have to represent anything objective. However at the present time I am moved to relate it to the many tragic trends and events happening round the world in the hope that it will touch someone enough for them to want a better world as much as I do.

Christopher Barchard 2022